
Friday, June 28, 2013

Post Baby

I gained 20 lbs during pregnancy, found out I had gestational diabetes and lost 5! Not good for a pregnancy. I gave birth at 36 weeks and 2 days to healthy baby boy. I went from 115 to 130. Easy peasy right? Sure the hard part came later when I looked at myself in the mirror naked. YIKES! I had finally come to terms with a growing belly and since that was the only thing growing I was fine.

But when I finally looked in that enemy of a mirror I saw a deflated ballon where my baby once stayed. I still looked pregnant and somehow saggy all at the same time. Gross! 

This is me a week or so after giving birth. I went from once having abs before I got pregnant, to coming to terms with a living being in my body, now THIS?! Really a giggling sack of guts?! I'm pretty sure I didn't look in the mirror for a looooooooonnnnnngggggggggggg time! Not to mention I was catching the hang of a new born baby. 

You know what to expect when you're expecting can suck it! They don't tell you bout losing your identity, or that your body will be a new culture shock for you. You bleed forever after a baby well at least 4 weeks then spotting for another 4. I swear pads are the worst!  

Needles to say, working out was not working out. Not for me anyway. Not to mention my house was still being built!!!! So we lived at my in laws. I put my body in the hands of breast feeding. I lost all the weight in 3 months but still was saggy. Still no mirror for me.

See this is me 3 months after birth still looking pregnant!!! Really?!?!?!

It wasn't til I started "working out" by going for walks every other day that I noticed a difference. I started going for walks 6 months postpartum, but not like walks where you window shop but the kind that bust your bum! 

Happy Trails!

Friday, June 21, 2013

My new workout Regime

Since I'm a "new" mommy (yes! I use the term new cause Lord knows I need help) my workouts have changed dramatically! I begged my husband for a jogging stroller for my bday last October and I got one! But I just now started using it :)

The new workout is:

Run for 10 minutes or 1 mile (which ever comes first I live in Texas people and its dang hot here!)
Then I do 4 reps of 10 squats with rotating abs in between.

If you have ever seen any of my other workouts you will know this is a hella lot different then before.

After Camden I thought I was gonna go for a run and all that crazy mumble jumble from before but can you say WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I gotta cook, clean and nurse. So a quick run seems to be doing the trick. I run everyday minus when we randomly get rained on but that's rare.

  Best Running Partner Ever!

So if you just had a baby or your new to working out, all you gotta do is just move it! If you're a newbie go for a walk outside the fresh air will do you good and if you're a haaus then check out the old posts and knock yourselves out. 

Happy Running :)

Preggers with my Ace

This is me and my Hubba Hubba before we went to see Kevin Heart. Let me tell you something! Feeling like SHAMU in a small chair with no arm or leg room is for the BIRDS! While he was funny I felt like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole! ATTEN: Arenas please make a maternity friendly chair! Please!!!!

And here I am in all my glory again just one week before I went into labor! Have I mentioned I live in the country of TEXAS! Here the sunshines 360 days a week and I gave birth in July! This baby shower was hot as Hades and did I mention it was outside! OMG! I was a hot tamale! 

Let's see so here is my Pregnancy in a nutshell. Hopefully its not to long.

I found out I was pregnant and cried. Not thw happy tears but the bad ones, you know the type, the I dont know how this happened and the why me's?!?!!? Think what you will but I NEVER in my life wanted kids. Sure yours are cute but I can give them back when they misbehave! I was selfish so sue me! It took a while to cope and I didnt tell a soul! BEST KEPT SECRET EVER!! Anyway I had a pretty easy pregnancy...I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes (only gained 15lbs but whatever) minus that hiccup I had no morning sickness or stretch marks. So easy right? right!

Lets see...I was very healthy once I found out I was a gestational diabetic, like ridiculously healthy! More so then ever! Minus sweet tea thought, Im from the south I aint getting rid of that sweet thang. I walked 3 miles everyday and did pitching lessons til I was due. Anyway, my water broke July 6, 2012 at 3:30 am and then my lil Ace came at 12:12pm. My sweet I cant imagine a life without him. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Worst Blogger EVER!

I'm probably the worst blogger in history!! I go through spells where I neglect my blog then remember to write. But if you had my crazy life you would forget too!!

I have decided its time to be proactive on this blog again!  A friend of mine as inspired me to pick it up again just because she has having difficulty losing her baby weight after baby number 2! Honestly, she just needs to strengthen her back, hamstrings, and core. Its not fat, I swear, its her guts just chilling there (if you have ever been preggers you know what Im talking about).

You will be happy to know though that i have been working out for a month, though i havent posted anything :(

I will start though. Ill show you what I looked like 1 week after pregnancy then 3 months post my Ace and now 11 1/2 months later :) I must say its been hard work! But very rewarding.

I used to think people used kids as an excuse to not work out but CLEARLY I was wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheer exhaustion keeps people from working out. The stressors of mommyhood (stay at home or working, Im a working mommy), being a wife, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, attempting to sleep, nursing, pumping, trying to remember to eat and then throwing a shower in there somewhere. That's all in one day might I add.

Ill post the pictures tomorrow or if I can steal the ipad away from my hubba hubba ill do it tonight :) but if not for sure tomorrow along with my new workout regime of mommy-ism.

Diet VS Nutrition

I stumbled across this link...

True or false... What do you think?

My opinion they go hand in hand, granted I'd rather eat a fatty burger then make a healthy chicken burger on whole wheat bread.

Just a little something to take in :)